TPF on: Scalawag Magazine

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TPF Featured on

Scalawag Magazine

The Thurman Perry Foundation Founder and Executive Director, Gabrielle Perry, MPH, wrote an opinion piece featured in Scalawag Magazine discussing the impact of anti-abortion legislation on incarcerated women. In it, she details how pregnancy in the American carceral system can be a form of double imprisonment, in which women’s rights to decide what happens to their body is taken away twice.

With reproductive rights now varying from state to state—as Kansas, New Mexico, California, and others have solidified themselves as safe havens—if you are arrested while pregnant, the Department of Corrections can now legally deny you the right to seek an abortion. This applies to people even if they are not convicted of a crime—recall that 60 percent of women incarcerated in America’s jails alone are legally innocent and have not been convicted of a crime.” -Gabrielle A. Perry, MPH

Read the complete article here and let us know what you think on social media! ABORTION BANS AND PREGNANCY SURVEILLANCE

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Founded in memory of late U.S. Army Master Sergeant Thurman Perry Jr., The Thurman Perry foundation was created by his daughter, Gabrielle Perry, MPH, to support women and girls impacted by incarceration. We are a 501c(3) nonprofit organization. EIN 86-2519876.